饺子(Jiaozi)是一种以面为皮(dough skin.的充馅食物,在中国北方是比较传统的食物之一。中国北方人过春节,饺子是必不可少的。饺子相传是由中国古代著名的中医张仲景首先发明的,深受汉族人民的喜爱。饺子的历史很悠久,其发展经历了渐进的过程。由于春节标志着农历新年的开始,人们选择吃“饺子,,来表达他们对新年的美好祝愿和对美好生活的向往。尽管时代变了,但是这一传统却保留了下来。

参考答案:     Jiaozi (also called dumplings) is a kind of food with (meat and/or vegetable) fillings and dough skin. It is quite a traditional food in northern China, where Jiaozi is absolutely necessary① during the Spring Festival. It is very popular among Chinese Hart people② and it is said that③ Jiaozi was first invented by Zhang Zhongjing, af amous practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine in ancient China. Jiaozi has a very long history and its development has undergone a gradual process. As the Spring Festival marks the start of a Lunar New Year, people choose to eat Jiaozi to express their best wishes for the new year and yearn for a better life. Although times have changed, the tradition has remained④. Jiaozi plays an important role⑤ in Chinese food culture.
解题思路: 1.必不可少:译为absolutely necessary即可。 
2.深受汉族人民的喜爱:可译为is very popular among Chinese Han people,“受……喜爱”常用be popular among…表达;汉族人民,译为Chinese Han people,注意应补译出Chinese。 
3.相传:可译为it is said that,这是个常用句型,可用来表达“据说,相传”。 
5.占有重要的地位:可译为play an important role或play an important part。>>>立即刷题