公共英语三级题库/阅读理解 Section B

    After eight hours at the wheel of the huge army lorry, the soldier was beginning to feel the strain. He knew how easy it was for men who drive long distances to fall asleep while driving and he was anxious to reach his destination, a small town called Bridgewater, which was still some forty miles distant. The country road stretched away endlessly before him and time seemed to pass so slowly that the soldier could hardly believe his eyes when, towards the end of the afternoon, he approached the outskirts of the town. The lorry laboured up a very steep hill and the soldier felt relieved and happy to see Bridgewater itself spreading out in front of him. He settled back comfortably in his seat as the lorry moved down the hill at a leisurely speed. Then, for some unaccountable reason, the lorry began to move very quickly. The soldier depressed the brake gently but this had no effect .He pressed it harder than ever, only to realize, to his horror, that the brakes were out of order! In a second, his sleepiness left him. The soldier gripped the wheel tightly as the lorry headed wildly towards the town. He knew that if he tried to crash into the trees at the roadside , he would be running the risk of being killed instantly, and he held on .Almost out of control now, the lorry swerved from side to side, narrowly missing telegraph-poles and trees .Houses appeared on either side of the road, and in an unbelievably short time, the lorry was hurtling through the centre of the town itself .People scattered to left and right as the lorry plunged through the High Street, its horn blaring loudly .The soldier steered the vehicle with such skill, that he just managed to pass cars that were coming in the opposite direction .A grocer s boy on a bicycle appeared from a side-street and the soldier nearly hit a bus in his effort to avoid him .A few terrifying minutes passed before the man observed a hill just ahead. As the lorry went towards it, it began to slow down and the soldier brought it to a standstill at the side of the road. He got out badly shaken, but safe at last.

1. The brakes

2. The lorry

3. The driver

4. The grocer s boy

5. Houses



A. did not function when the lorry was coming to Bridgewater

B. was almost killed

C. was seriously injured

D. was too terrified to do anything

E. was very nervous but concentrated on the lorry

F. avoided the telegraph-pole

G. received no damage

            参考答案: F,G,E,A,B