小确幸 small blessings
技术故障 technical glitch
用户体验 user experience
明星主持人 celebrity host
直播答题 livestreaming quiz
奖金池 prize pool
云端服务 cloud services
智慧家庭 smart home
云端服务 cloud services
智慧翻译 smart translation and interpretation
刷单炒信 faking reviews to boost reputation
OTA企业捆绑销售 bundling sales of online travel agencies
预付卡消费 prepaid card consumption
网络订餐 online takeout services
校园贷 micro-credit services targeting college students
老年保健品 healthcare products targeting elderly people
包船旅行 travel in a chartered ship
修复和维修项目 a restoration and maintenance project
退耕还林还草 turning reclaimed farmland into forests and grasslands
退牧还草 turning grazing land into grasslands
荒地复垦 reclamation of barren land
耕地流失 loss of arable land
颜值 good-looking
范儿 fashionable
潮 stylish
网络教育 webucation
翻转课堂 flipped classroom
新兴技术 emerging technologies
科技前沿 frontier trend in science and technology
数据化 datamation
城镇化率 urbanization ratio
物流行业 logistics industry
网红经济 internet celebrity economy
直播经济 livestreaming economy
智慧物流市场intelligent logistics market
大众富裕阶层 mass affluent class/stratum
在线辅导 online tutoring
单身经济 single economy
便携式电子设备 portable electronic devices (PED)
机载无线网络 inflight wifi
固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment
产业优势和市场优势 industrial and market advantages
人均可支配收入 per capita disposable income
pre-marital property 婚前财产
prenuptial agreement 婚前协议
自主品牌 domestic-owned brands
老字号 time-honored brand
“科教兴国”战略 the strategy of reinvigorating the country through science and education
月全食 total lunar eclipse
超级月亮 supermoon
劳动人口 working-age population
基因缺损,基因缺陷 genetic defect
代际公平 intergenerational equity
海底电缆和管道 submarine cables and pipelines
内水、领海、毗连区、专属经济区和大陆架 internal waters, territorial seas, contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones, and continental shelves
释放压力 relieve stress
佛系生活 Buddhist lifestyle
屏蔽有害视频 block disturbing videos
适合儿童观看的视频 child-friendly video
长江经济带 Yangtze River Economic Belt
产业链 industrial chain
迪士尼动画电影 Disney animation movie
前沿研究 leading-edge research
创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念 the new vision of innovative, coordinated, green and open development that is for everyone
经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设“五位一体”总体布局 the five-sphere integrated plan, which is to promote coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological advancement
胚胎分割 embryo splitting
基因编辑 genetic reprogramming
地缘博弈 geopolitical maneuvering
弱肉强食的丛林法则 The law of the jungle where the strong prey on the weak
社会信息化 digitized society
世界经济格局的演变 evolving global economic environment
必须坚持和加强党对一切工作的领导。 Leadership of the Party must be upheld and strengthened in all areas of endeavor.
中国方案 Chinese solutions
理念多样化、力量多极化的世界 a world with diversified ideas and power multi-polarization
企业为主、政府推动、市场化运作 business-led, government-supported and market-driven
跨区域务实合作平台 a platform for trans-regional and practical cooperation
打造融合度更深、带动力更强、受益面更广的产业链、价值链、物流链 develop better integrated chains of industry, of value and of logistics with stronger impetus and broader benefits
无碳可持续经济 a zero carbon sustainable economy
空置率 vacancy rate
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