
发布于 2018-04-03 15:58  编辑:Claire


Vert: Latin verb vertere, meaningttto turn” “to turn around”

1. Divert

A. To turn from one purpose or course to another.转移

B. To give pleasure by distracting from burdens or distress•娱乐

2. Avert

A. To turn (your eyes or gaze) away of aside.转移

B. To avoid or prevent避免

3. Revert

A. To go back or returnC to an earlier state, condition, situation,etc.)回归

B. To be given back to( a former owner)归还

MAL: Latin meaning “bad

1. Malevolent: Having or showing intense ill will or hatred.恶毒的

2. Malicious: Desiring to cause pain, ir\jury, or distress to another.恶意的

[Malicious 和 Malevolent的区别]

Malevolent suggests deep and lasting dislike Malicious usually means petty and spiteful.

3. Malign: To make harsh and often false or misleading statements about中伤

4 Malnourished: (mal+nourished)营养不良

Extra: Latin far "outside " or "beyond'

1. Extradite: to deliver an accused criminal from one place to another where the trial will be held.引渡

2. Extrapolate: to extend or project facts or data into an area not known in order to make assumptions or to predict facts or trends.推算推断

3. Extraneous

A. Existing or conning from the outside 外在的

B. Not forming an essential part; irrelevant 无关的



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