
发布于 2018-04-13 09:22  编辑:Claire


人民为中心的发展思想:a people-centered development philosophy

着力保障和改善民生:endeavor to ensure and improve living standards

财力紧张:fiscal constraints

持续加大民生投入:consistently increase spending on improving people’s living standards

精准扶贫、精准脱贫:targeted poverty reduction and alleviation

投入专项扶贫资金2800多亿元:appropriate over 280 billion yuan to fund poverty reduction

将完成易地扶贫搬迁280万人:2.8 million people will be relocated from inhospitable areas

扶贫领域腐败和作风问题:corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation

积极的就业政策:a proactive employment policy

重点群体就业得到较好保障:key target groups have better access to employment

城镇调查失业率:surveyed urban unemployment rate

城镇登记失业率:registered urban jobless rate

坚持教育优先发展:be committed to prioritizing the development of education

财政性教育经费:government spending on education

改善农村义务教育薄弱学校办学条件:improve conditions in badly built and poorly operated schools providing compulsory education

提高乡村教师待遇:increase the pay packages of rural teachers

家庭困难学生:students from financially-challenged families

解决中小学生课外负担重问题:address the problem of heavy extracurricular burdens on primary and secondary school students

学前教育资源:preschool educational resources

异地就医住院费用实现直接结算:the costs of hospitalization can now be settled where incurred

分级诊疗:tiered medical diagnosis

基本医保:basic medical insurance

大病保险保障:serious disease insurance

居民基本医保人均财政补助:per capita government subsidies for basic health insurance for rural and non-working urban residents

养老保险制度:the old-age pension system

提高退休人员基本养老金:make appropriate increases to basic old-age pensions for retirees

城乡居民基础养老金:basic pension benefits for rural and non-working urban residents

着力促进就业创业:focus on boosting employment and business startups

加强全方位公共就业服务:strengthen the full set of public employment services

大规模开展职业技能培训:launch a large-scale vocational skills training initiative

促进多渠道就业:expand the channels for employment

支持以创业带动就业:support job creation through business startups

扎实做好退役军人安置:take substantive steps to see demobilized military personnel resettled into new jobs

加大对残疾人等就业困难人员援助力度:give stronger support to people with disabilities and other groups having difficulty securing employment

扩大农民工就业:create more jobs for rural migrant workers

全面治理拖欠工资问题:take comprehensive measures to address the problem of wage arrears

健全劳动关系协商机制:improve labor relations consultation mechanisms

消除性别和身份歧视:put an end to gender and identity discrimination

合理调整社会最低工资标准:minimum wages will be appropriately adjusted

提高个人所得税起征点:raise the personal income tax threshold

推动城乡义务教育一体化发展:promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education

教育投入继续向困难地区和薄弱环节倾斜:continue to weight funding for education toward poor areas and weak links

切实降低农村学生辍学率:significantly reduce the rural drop-out rate

抓紧消除城镇“大班额”:move faster to put an end to big class sizes in urban schools

加强对儿童托育全过程监管:strengthen oversight over the whole process of childcare provision

一定要让家长放心安心:make certain that parents can have peace of mind

加强师资队伍和师德师风建设:improve the competence of our educators and strengthen teacher ethics

要办好人民满意的教育:work hard to provide education that our people are satisfied with

加强全科医生队伍建设:strengthen efforts to build up the ranks of general practitioners

妇幼保健服务:maternal and child healthcare

解决群众住房问题:address people’s housing needs

公租房:public-rental housing

支持居民自住购房需求:support people in buying homes for personal use

共有产权住房:shared ownership housing

发展居家、社区和互助式养老:develop at-home, community-based, and mutual-aid elderly care

支持公益慈善事业发展:support the development of public welfare activities and charity

不因事难而推诿:there will be no reluctance to act because something is not easy

不因善小而不为:there will be no failure to act because the benefit seems small

打造共建共治共享社会治理格局:develop a new model of social governance based on collaboration, co-governance, and common gains

电信网络诈骗:telecommunications and internet fraud

侵犯公民个人信息:the abuse of personal information

网络传销:pyramid schemes

丰富精神食粮:rich cultural nourishment

弘扬中华优秀传统文化:strive to keep fine traditional Chinese culture alive and thriving

继承革命文化:see our revolutionary culture is inherited and carried on



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