
发布于 2018-04-13 09:28  编辑:Claire


1.坚持创新引领发展:be/remain committed to innovation-driven development

2.着力激发社会创造力:focus on unlocking public creativity

3.整体创新能力和效率显著提高:we have achieved a remarkable improvement in our general capacity for making innovations and for seeing that innovation delivers

4.优化创新生态:work to build a better ecosystem for innovation

5.形成多主体协同、全方位推进的创新局面:give shape to innovation involving multiple actors making across-the-board advances

6.扩大科研机构和高校科研自主权:research institutes and universities now have greater say over their research

7.改进科研项目和经费管理:research projects and funding are better managed

8.深化科技成果权益管理改革:the way of managing rights and interests relating to scientific and technological advances has undergone reform

9.带动形成一批区域创新高地:create a number of regional innovation hubs

10.深入开展大众创业、万众创新:we have launched and taken bold moves in the nationwide business startup and innovation initiative

11.实施普惠性支持政策:adopt support policies designed to benefit all entrepreneurs and innovators

12.完善孵化体系:improve the incubation system

13.技术交易额翻了一番:the volume of technology transactions has doubled

14.我国科技创新由跟跑为主转向更多领域并跑、领跑:In the global race of scientific and technological innovation, China has shifted place, from following others to keeping pace and even leading the pack in more and more areas

15.全球瞩目的创新创业热土:a globally recognized fertile ground for innovation and business ventures

16.把握世界新一轮科技革命和产业变革大势:the latest global revolution in science and technology and industrial transformation are trends we must be on board with

17.强化基础研究和应用基础研究:strengthen basic research and application-oriented basic research

18.高标准建设国家实验室:build top-quality national laboratories

19.鼓励企业牵头实施重大科技项目:encourage enterprises to head up major science and technology programs

20.支持科研院所、高校与企业融通创新:support collaborative innovation by research institutes, universities, and enterprises

21.加快创新成果转化应用:speed up the commercialization and application of innovations

22.国家科技投入要向民生领域倾斜:state investments in science and technology will be weighted toward fields related to improving living standards

23.加强雾霾治理、癌症等重大疾病防治攻关:strengthen efforts to reduce smog and prevent and cure cancers and other serious diseases

24.使科技更好造福人民:make science and technology do more to benefit the people

25.落实和完善创新激励政策:act on and improve policies that stimulate innovation

26.绩效评价要加快从重过程向重结果转变:speed up the shift in performance assessment from emphasis on processes to emphasis on outcomes

27.赋予创新团队和领军人才更大的人财物支配权和技术路线决策权:empower innovation teams and leaders by seeing that they have more human, financial, and material resources at their disposal and more power to make decisions related to technology roadmaps

28.采取灵活的薪酬制度和奖励措施:adopt flexible remuneration systems and reward schemes

29.探索赋予科研人员科技成果所有权和长期使用权:explore ways to grant researchers ownership or permanent use rights over their scientific and technological outputs

30.有悖于激励创新的陈规旧章,要抓紧修改废止:all outdated rules and regulations that sap the inspiration for innovation will be modified or abolished without delay

31.有碍于释放创新活力的繁文缛节,要下决心砍掉:all red tape that strangles efforts to unlock innovation will be torn clean away

32.我国拥有世界上规模最大的人力人才资源:China is home to the biggest pool of human resources and talent in the world

33.鼓励大企业开放创新资源:encourage large enterprises to enable access to resources necessary for innovation

34.设立国家融资担保基金:establish a state financing guaranty fund

35.提高技术工人待遇:increase pay packages for technical workers

36.拓宽外国人才来华绿色通道:create a fast track to attract more foreign talent to China

37.集众智汇众力,一定能跑出中国创新“加速度”:we have no doubt that by bringing together myriad intellects and pooling everyone’s energies, China will break into a sprint in innovation



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