
发布于 2018-02-06 09:53  编辑:Claire


1.abnormal, uncommon, disordered “反常的”

abnormal a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。

His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。(尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。)

uncommon a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。

Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。

That is uncommon instant coffee; it tastes great! 那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了!

disordered a.混乱的,杂乱的;(精神或身体)有病的。

We couldn't understand her disordered presentation.我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。

2.base, foundation, ground都有"基础"的意思。

base n.指具体的有形的基础,也可指物体的底部、基部;基地,总部。

They use their apartment in New York as a home base from which they travel frequently.他们把纽约的公寓作为他们频繁出行的大本营。

foundation n.本义指建筑物的地基,坚实的基础的意思;基金会。

The foundation for our house is made of cement.我们房子的地基是水泥打下的。

ground n.地面,土地,也指地域,水底,海底。

3.certify, rectify, testify, verify形近易混词。

certify v.证明,声称是真的。

He certified it was his wife's handwriting.他证明那是他妻子的手迹。

rectify v.改正,纠正;整顿。

He rectified the mistake in the contract by changing its wording.他通过改变措辞纠正了合同里的错。

testify v. (在法庭上)宣誓作证;表明。

He is the only person who can testify in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.其他的证人已经被神秘地杀害,他成为这件案例中唯一可以作证的人。

verify v. (用事实)证实或核实。

I verified the store's address by calling to check it.我打电话询问,以核实商店的地址。

4.decline, refuse, reject, deny都有"拒绝"的意思。

decline v.婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于refuse politely,主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或动词不定式,主语只能是人。

I invited her to join us, but she declined.我邀请她和我们在一起,可是她婉言谢绝了。

refuse v.是比较普通的用词,表示"拒绝",含有非常坚决地、不客气地拒绝的意思。

reject v.抛弃,不采纳,主语可以是人或物,后接名词,不能接动词不定式。

He asked her to go to the movies three times, and each time she rejected him.他三次约她去看电影,但每一次都被拒绝。

deny v.否认,否定,其后可接名词,代词或that从句。

5.eject, inject, project  

eject v.跳出,喷出,弹射出。

The pilot ejected from the falling airplane.飞行员从坠落的飞机中弹射出去。

inject v.注射。

The nurse injected some medicine into the patient with a needle.护士用注射器给患者打针。

project v.伸出,突出;预计,预报;投射,放映。

The balcony projects out beyond the wall of the house.阳台从房子的墙壁上突出来。

The government projects that the defense budget will increase by 20% .政府预计国防预算将增长百分之二十。

6.faint, feeble, fragile, weak

faint a.虚弱的,眩晕的,指人在特定场合感觉到的虚弱,通常不是天生体质上的虚弱而是由于某种原因造成的暂时的情况。

The summer sun was so strong that she felt faint.夏天的阳光太强烈了,她感觉到眩晕。

feeble a.虚弱的,无力的,常用来形容人的声音或行为。

The elderly lady has become feeble and unable to care herself.这个老太太已经很虚弱了,无法照顾她自己。

fragile a.脆弱的,易碎的,指物体容易打碎,或人体质虚弱、容易受伤害。

That dish is fragile, so be careful.那个盘子容易碎,所以千万小心。

weak a.这组词中应用范围最广的一个,既可以指身体虚弱的,无力的,也可引申为在力量、权力、技能、影响等方面有欠缺或软弱。

The patient is losing blood and becoming weak.病人在失血,身体开始虚弱下去。

7.gaze, gape, glance, glare, glimpse, peer, peep, stare 都含有"看"的意思。

gaze v.凝视,注视,指由于好奇、感叹、长时间目不转睛地看。

She gazed at her beautiful new diamond ring.她凝视着自己的这颗美丽崭新的钻戒。

gape v. (张着嘴、瞪大眼睛)呆看,强调一种吃惊的状态。

The children gaped at the big elephant in the zoo.在动物园,孩子们张大了嘴巴呆呆地看着大象。

glance v. (粗略地、随便地)一瞥,看一眼。

He glanced over the letter he had just received.他把刚收到的那封信粗略地看了一遍。

glare v.怒目而视,强调怀有敌意或在气愤情绪下看;眩目地照射。

The woman glared at the man after he shouted rudely at her.那男人粗暴地冲她大声喊叫,她也怒目而视。

glimpse v.与glance意思相近,短促地看一眼,一瞥。

peer v.眯起眼睛仔细看,尤指看不清的情况下;费力地看,凝视。

Being somewhat short-sighted, she has the habit of peering at people.因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。

peep v.窥视,偷看。

The mother peeped into the bedroom to see if her child was asleep.母亲偷偷向卧室看了一下,看她的孩子是否睡着了。

stare v.凝视,盯着,指由于好奇、惊讶、赞叹等原因而瞪大眼睛长时间地、直接地注视,常常含有粗鲁无礼的意思。

I told my son to stop staring at that fat woman; it wasn't nice.我告诉儿子不要盯着那个胖女人,那样看人不礼貌。

8.historical, historic 都和"历史"有关系。

historical a.历史上的,有关历史的,史学的,以历史为基础的。

The French Revolution was of great historical importance.法国革命具有重要的历史意义。

historic a.历史上著名的,重要的。

a historic meeting between two leaders两个领袖间的历史性会晤

9.ignore, neglect, omit, overlook都有"忽略"的意思。

ignore v.忽视,不理睬,指有意识地拒绝。

She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来,但是装作没看见。

neglect v.忽视,忽略,疏忽,指无意识地忽视或忘记。

He neglected to make repairs in his house.他忘记了修理房子。

omit v.遗漏,忽略,忘记,指由于疏忽而忘记,也可以表示因不利或不好而被忽略等。

She omitted several steps in the experiment and it failed.她在实验中遗漏了几个步骤,结果实验失败了。

overlook v.忽略,疏漏,指有意识地遗漏,也指无意识地忽略。

The mother overlooked her little boy's bad behavior.那位母亲忽视了她的小儿子的不良行为。

10.jealous, envious

jealous a.妒忌的,暗含有憎恶与不好的感情。

He gets jealous when other man talks to his girlfriend.当别的男人和他的女朋友说话时间],他会很嫉妒。

envious a.羡慕的,强调攀比心理所造成的羡慕。

He is envious of my new car and wants one like it.他很羡慕我的新车,也想要一辆同样的。



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