CATTI二级笔译:常用汉语成语翻译 (人物描写)

发布于 2018-02-24 14:57  编辑:Claire

CATTI二级笔译:常用汉语成语翻译 (人物描写)

彪形大汉 a hulking man, a bruiser

eg. 他是个 6 英尺高的彪形大汉。

He was a six-foot hulk of a man.

花枝招展 dressed to kill; (esp. of a women)dressed in clothes that are intened to attract attention

eg. 我不知道她哪儿来这么多钱供她消费,可是她每天晚上都外出,打扮得花枝招展。

I don't know how she can afford to do it but every night she goes out, dressed to kill.

不修边幅 careless about one's appearance

eg. 诚然,伟大的人有时不修边幅,但并不因此失去其伟大的形象,然而不能说他是因为不修边幅才显得伟大。Great men, it is true, are sometimes very careless about their appearance, but they are great in spite of this and not in consequence of it.

挤眉弄眼 ogle at sb; to look or stare in a way that suggests sexual interest

eg. 他还是在向年轻女人挤眉弄眼。

He was still ogling at young ladies.

色厉内荏 aggressive in appearance but apprehensive at heart

eg. 他色厉内荏。

His aggressiveness is just a front for his apprehensiveness.

容光焕发 (of a person, his eyes, look, etc.)bright with joy/hope/love

eg. 他在婚礼上幸福得容光焕发。He was really sparkling with happiness at the wedding.

八面玲珑 to please everyone by changing your attitude or opinions to suit different people, to be all things to all men.

eg. 我终于意识到我不可能做到八面玲珑。

I finally realized I could not be all things to all people.

刚正不阿 to be of moral correctness or straightforwardness

eg. 它不受外界影响,立场坚如磐石,证明自己是个刚正不阿的人。He had proved himself to be a fortress of moral rectitude.

不劳而获 to be expecting sth. for nothing.


You're always expecting sth for nothing. Go out and earn it for a change.

咄咄逼人 aggressive, highly critical


The situation is crying out for immediate attention(or response.)

工于心计 good at planning thins so that you have an advantage; without caring about other people.

eg. 我真没想到你会这样工于心计。

I never realized you could be so calculating.

讳莫如深 to keep silent, to be reserved about

eg. 他似乎对过去的事讳莫如深。

He seemed unduly reticent on the subject of his past.


sensible and practical

eg. 这个年轻人工作勤奋而且脚踏实地,她很快就喜欢上他了。

The young man was hard-working and down-to-earth and she quickly felt drawn to him.

能说会道 with a facile tongue ; saying things easily, fluent


He's a salesman with a facile tongue.

大器晚成 a late bloomer; to achieve success in one's late years

eg. 这位作家是大器晚成。

The writer was a late bloomer

卑鄙小人 a dirty dog

eg. 她真是个卑鄙小人,我简直不能相信她会那样欺骗你。

She is such a dirty dog. I can't believe he would cheat on you like that.

咎由自取 have yourself to blame ; an act that unintentionally harms one's own interest;to score an own goal

eg. 你若挂科,只能说是咎由自取。

If you fail the exam, you'll only have yourself to blame.

妙语连珠 (of one's speech) to sparkle with wit

eg. 他的发言妙语连珠。

His speech sparkled with wit.

天之骄子 one of Providence's chosen few

eg. 他自认是一位天之骄子。

He believed himself to be one of Providence's chosen few



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