
发布于 2018-02-24 15:06  编辑:Claire


the apple never falls far from the tree 有其父必有其子

one bad (or rotten) apple spoils the whole bunch (or barrel)一粒耗子屎坏了一锅汤

polish (one’s) apple 阿谀奉承某

apple of (one’s) eye 掌上明珠

as easy as apple pie极容易

in apple-pie order整齐有序

As sure as God made little green apples 毫无疑问的

dead sea apple / apple of Sodom 虚有其表之物;令人失望的事

upset one’s apple cart 把事情搞砸,拆人台

banana republic香蕉共和国(指国家弱或者腐败)

go bananas发疯,精神错乱


another (或a second) bite at the cherry = two bites at (或of) a (或the)cherry 第二次机会,一次又一次

the whole tree or not a cherry on it 不能全得,宁可全失

Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries.人生不如意十之八九

To not give a fig不上心(fig无花果)

To have sour grapes吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸

To compare apples and oranges 表示两件不同的事物,没有可比性。

knows ones onions精明能干

in the soup有麻烦

another cup of tea另一码事

feels like a vegetable觉得无聊

where is the beef after all实质问题究竟在哪

give a carrot to引诱

have other fish to fry还有别的事,另有他图

The sauce is better than the fish. 喧宾夺主

cry stinking fish叫卖臭鱼,暴露自己的缺点;拆自己台的人

Peddle fish stories 吹牛

fish in the air空中钓鱼,徒劳无功

cut bait or fish 要么全力以赴要么索性放弃;在两者中做出选择(bait诱饵)

Better small fish than an empty dish. 盘中有小鱼,总比空盘好。

drink like a fish酗酒,大醉

go on a fishing expedition 摸底,试探

a fish out of water 离水的鱼;处于陌生环境的人;不得其所的人

All is fish that comes to his (或 my, your) net. 抓到网里便是鱼

dull fish头脑愚钝语言乏味的人

Fish begins to stink at the head. 上梁不正下梁歪

fish for compliments 通过贬低自己来获得恭维,说违心话并想因此得到恭维

catch fish with a silver hook “用银钩钓鱼”(把买的鱼冒称自己钓的鱼)

to be full of beans多动、坐不住

spill the beans泄露天机(竹筒倒豆子)

open a can of beans 惹祸

a row/hill of beans一点点;丝毫;无价值之物

Every bean has its black.凡人各有其缺点

get bean受到严厉责罚;挨骂;挨揍;受折磨

give someone beans严厉对待某人;处罚(或严惩、申诉、责骂、狠狠打击)某人,使某人感到疼痛

haven't(或without) a bean 一个钱也没有

know how many beans make five 精明,机灵,不会上当

three blue beans in a(或one)blue bladder虚张声势的空话(或大话),喧闹而无用的话。高谈阔论的人

don't know beans about 对…一无所知

use one's bean 动脑筋;思考

the cream of the crop最好的

spilled milk泼出去的水,不可挽回的事

milk the ram (或bull) 给公羊(或公牛)挤奶,做注定要失败的事

milk run无危险的轰炸任务;例行的飞行任务,熟路

milk the street闲逛

the top of the milk(获得极大的观众反映)最精彩的节目

suck in with one's mother's milk 生来喜爱…;从婴儿时养成的(性格、品质等)

be paid peanuts薪水太低

the proof is in the pudding质量好,信得过,毫无疑问

to drop like a sack of potatoes摔了个满地找牙

quite the potato / clean potato 正合适的东西,正派的人

a hot potato棘手的问题

small / big potato 小/大人物



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