Robot arms weld a vehicle at the General Motors plant in Lansing, Michigan. Automakers are the biggest users of industrial robots, which have decreased employment and wages in local economies. Who is winning the race for jobs between robots and humans? Last year, two leading economists described a future in which humans come out ahead. But now they’ve declared a different winner: the robots. The industry most affected by automation is manufacturing. For every robot per thousand workers, up to six workers lost their jobs and wages fell by as much as three-fourths of a percent, according to a new paper by the economists, Daron Acemoglu of M.I.T. and Pascual Restrepo of Boston University. It appears to be the first study to quantify large, direct, negative effects of robots. The paper is all the more significant because the researchers, whose work is highly regarded in their field, had been more sanguine about the effect of technology on jobs. In a paper last year, they said it was likely that increased automation would create new, better jobs, so employment and wages would eventually return to their previous levels. Just as cranes replaced dockworkers but created related jobs for engineers and financiers, the theory goes, new technology has created new jobs for software developers and data analysts.

参考答案:     在密歇根州兰辛市的通用汽车制造工厂中,机械臂负责汽车的焊接工作。汽车制造商是工业机器人最大的使用者,导致了当地经济体中就业岗位和工资水平的下降。
    受自动化影响最深的行业是制造业。麻省理工大学的达伦•阿瑟莫谷鲁(Daron Acemoglu)和波士顿大学的帕斯库鲁•莱斯特伯(Pascual Resptrepo)两名经济学家新发表了一篇论文,其中指出一千名员工中每采用一台机器人,就有多达六人失业(每采用一台机器人,失业率就达到6‰),工资下降幅度高达0.75%。这似乎是第一个将机器人巨大而直接的负面影响进行量化的研究。
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