
参考答案:     Adversity refers to the difficulties and setbacks confronted by people in life.Adversity exists in everyone’s life.It plays an important role in①the process of people’s growth and maturity.People’s attitude towards adversity determines its influence on them.Adopting a positive attitude towards②adversity will maturize our personality.Therefore,adversity is actually a challenge and trial,which Can bring one’s potential into full play③. It can help drive away④one’s laziness and perfect oneself in the fight against⑤difficulties.That is the significance 
of adversity. 

1.在人们的成长和成熟的过程中起着重要作用:翻译为It plays an important role in the process of people’s growth and maturity.其中plays an important role in为常用短语,意为“在……中起重要作用”,“成长和成熟的过程中”直接翻译为the process of people’s growth and maturity。 
2.用积极的态度看待逆境:译为adopting positive attitude towards adversity,其中动词adopt表示“采用”;“看待”用介词towards表达即可。 
3.使人的潜力发挥到极致:译为bring one’s potential into full play,这是一个惯用表达。 
4.驱走惰性:译为drive away one’s laziness。其中“驱走”用动词短语drive away表达。 
5.与困难进行的搏斗:译为fight against difficulties,其中fight against意为“与……对抗”。
