1.Then there is the whole curriculum lays emphasis, for instance, if necessary skills, such as reading,writing and mathematics,or one which pays more attention to developing the chil…… 2.Because fiction writing had such low status, Washington Irving had to use the cover of a non-fiction, historical writer to write fiction, despite his stories displayed as historica…… 3.That com is usually believed to be the American favorite vegetable, broccoli is actually the favorite vegetable,according to the poll done. 4.Regular brushing and flossing are the most important weapons in the form of plaque, the primary cause of cavities. 5.As the phenomenon of blushing is rooted in the nervous system, which then causes a dilation of small blood vessels in the face. 6.A snake’s heat seeking system for finding prey resembles as a missile heat seeker,except that a missile heat seeking system is huge and clumsy compared to the snake’s. 7.One reason that Gone with the Wind has endured as a classic is to represent a woman who has been molded by her upbringing,but rebels just enough to sustain her independence. 8.Department of Agriculture rules say farmers have to sell their grain for human use if it contains no more than two insects per kilogram. 9.36 Chimpanzees, apes, orangutans and a few other primates laugh, but also others do. 10.Anthropology was by definition impossible as long as these distinctions between ourselves and the primitive, ourselves and the barbarian, ourselves and the pagan, held swaying over…… 11.A meal couldn’t leave us feeling really full except that it laid down a rime of fat globules in our mouths and stomachs. 12.There are in cases where complicated procedures are needed, the use of plastic is generally a cost-saving procedure that can also make a product seem desirable. 13.When a liquid or gas is heated from below, the fluid tends its organization into cylindrical rolls. 14.Of the two great Greek philosophers, namely Plato and Aristotle, the latter one is who relied on observation. 15.In her research, Margaret Mead found that boys’ and girls,determined traits are masculine and feminine by parents, not by nature. 16.Many scientists believe baby to cry is mainly a way the body uses to rid itself of chemicals produced by emotional stress. 17.The formation of images by lenses, microscopes, telescopes, and other optical devices is described by ray optics,which assumes that passage light can be represented by straight lin…… 18.    A federal judge on Monday certified a $200 billion class action lawsuit against the tobacco industry for its marketing of light cigarettes.
Eastern District of N……
19.    I want to divide human understanding into two kinds—classical understanding and romantic understanding. In terms of ultimate truth, a distinction of this sort has lit…… 20.    With the understanding of phobias has come a magic bag of treatments: exposure therapy that can stomp out a lifetime phobia in a single six-hour session; virtual-real……