1.在上面的网络图中,每项活动的历时是:A=4,B=5,C=3,D=5,E=4,F=5,G=6,H=6,K=3,M=2,N=3(单位:周)总历时是多少? 2.The metric assigned to each network depends on the type of protocol.Some simple protocol, like RIP, treats each network as equals.The  (1)  of passing through each network is the s…… 3.某工程项目群各子项目实施计划及关联关系如下表,任务D的期望时间是(1)天,任务E的自由时差是(2)天。 4.For nearly  ten years,  the Unified Modeling Language  (UML) has been  the  industrystandard  for  visualizing,  specifying,  construct…… 5.在相隔400Km的两地间通过电缆以4800b/s的速率传送3000比特长的数据包,从开始发送到接收完数据需要的时间是 ( ) 6.It  should  go  without  saying  that  the  focus  of  UML  is  modeling.  However,  what  that means, exactly…… 7.假设系统中进程的三态模型如下图所示,图中的a、b和c的状态分别为 ( )  8.在某单位的DNS客户机上,两次使用nslookup www.sohu.com命令得到的结果如图8-2所示。由图8-2所示结果可知,域名为www.sohu.com的DNS服务器( )。 9.Virtualization is an approach to IT that pools and shares (1) so that utilization is optimized and supplies automatically meet demand. Traditional IT environments are often silos, …… 10.某机系统由下图所示的部件构成,假定每个部件的千小时可靠度 R 均为 0.9,则该系统的千小时可靠度约为( )。 11.IEEE 802局域网中的地址分为两级,其中LLC地址是 ( ) 12.Although a given waveform may contain frequencies over a very broad range, as a practical matter any transmission system will be able to accommodate only a limited band of  (1…… 13.下面的网络图表示从城市A到城市B运煤的各种路线。各线段上的数字表示该线段运煤所需的费用(百元/车)。城市A有三个装货点,城市B有三个卸货点,各点旁标注的数字表示装/卸煤所需的费用(百元/车)。根据该图,从城市A的一个装卸点经过一条路线到城市B的一个卸货点所需的装、运、卸总费用至少为()(百元/车)。 14.Observe that for the programmer, as for the chef, the urgency of the patron(顾客)may govern the scheduled completion of the task, but it cannot govern the actual completion.An omelet…… 15.以下关于网络层次与主要设备对应关系的描述中,配对正确的是() 16.NAC’s(Network Access Control) role is to restrict network access to only compliant endpoints and (1) users. However, NAC is not a complete LAN (2) solution; additional proactive an…… 17.在无线局域网中,AP (无线接入点)工作在OSI模型的( )。 18.Object-oriented analysis (OOA) is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The fir…… 19.The (1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarize…… 20.在下面的项目网络图中(时间单位为天),活动B的自由时差和总时差分别为(1),如果活动A的实际开始时间是5月1日早8时,在不延误项目工期的情况下,活动B最晚应在(2)前结束