1.Requirements management is the process of (1),analyzing,tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevant stakeholders. I…… 2.The usual way to ensure reliable delivery is to provide the  (1)  with some feedback about what is happening at the other end of the line. Typically, the protocol calls f…… 3.DOM is a platform- and language- (1) API that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of WWW documents(currently, definitions …… 4.已知某拟建项目财务净现金流量如下表所示,则该项目的静态投资回收期是(1)年,进行该项目财务评价时,如果动态投资回收期Pt小于计算期n,则财务净现值(2) 5.IPv6 is short for "Internet Protocol Version 6". IPv6 is the "next generation" protocol designed by the IETF to (71) the current version Internet Protocol.IP ve…… 6.Documentation of a software package is normally produced for two purposes.One is to explain the (1) of the software and describe how to use them.This is known as (2  )because …… 7.ervice (1) Architecture aims to provide a model for the creation of service components in a wide range of languages and a model for assembling service components into a business so…… 8.Serialization delay and (1) delay are the two components of network delay that are improved by increasing bandwidth. Serialization delay, i.e. the amount of time it takes to put …… 9.The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software engineering process, which captures many of best practices in modern software development. The notions of  (1)  and scena…… 10.在下面的活动图中,从A  到J  的关键路径是(1),I 和J 之间的活动开始的最早时间是(2)。 11.(1 ) is a method of constructing a project schedule network diagram that uses boxes or rectangles,referred to as nodes,to represent activites and connects them with arrows that aso…… 12.某软件企业2004年初计划投资1000万人民币开发一套中间件产品,预计从2005年开始,年实现产品销售收入1500万元,年市场梢售成本1000万元。该产品的系统分析员张工根据财务总监提供的贴现率,制作了如表4-2所示的产品销售现金流量表。根据表中的数据,该产品的动态投资回收期是(66)年,投资收益率是(67). 13.Traditional Internet access methods like dial-up were so slow that host computers were connected to the dial-up (1) at the customer premise over slow (2) ports. PPP was designe…… 14.某工程包括A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H八个作业,各个作业的紧前作业、所需时间和所需人数如下表所示(假设每个人均能承担各个作业):该工程的工期应为(1)周。按此工期,整个工程至少需要(2 )人。 15.在一个单CPU的计算机系统中,采用可剥夺式优先级的进程调度方案,所有任务可以并行使用I/O设备。下表列出了三个任务T1、T2、T3的优先级、独立运行时占用CPU和I/O设备的时间。如果操作系统的开销忽略不计,这三个任务从同时启动到全部结束的总时间为(1)ms,CPU的空闲时间共有(2)ms。 16.已知网络图各段路线所需费用如下图所示,图中甲线和乙线上的数字分别是对相应点的有关费用,从甲线到乙线的最小费用路线是( 1 )条,最小费用为( 2 ) 17.多个软件工程师合作开发一个项目,各开发者之间需要两两互相通信。假设每一条通信路径的开销为200LOC/年(LOC为代码行数)。设有四名软件工程师,如果单独工作,每个人的生产率是6000LOC/年,那么由这四名软件工程师组成的项目组的生产率为(1)。在这一年期限的最后两个月,又增加了四名工程师,新增成员的个人生产率为3000LOC/年,那么这六人组成的项目组全…… 18.某企业需要采用甲、乙、丙三种原材料生产Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种产品。生产两种产品所需原材料数量、单位产品可获得利润以及企业现有原材料数如表所示:

19.假设某磁盘的每个磁道划分成11个物理块,每块存放1个逻辑记录。逻辑记录R0,R1,...,R9,R10存放在同一个磁道上,记录的存放顺序如下表所示:如果磁盘的旋转周期为33ms,磁头当前处在R0的开始处。若系统使用单缓冲区顺序处理这些记录,每个记录处理时间为3ms,则处理这11个记录的最长时间为 (1) ;若对信息存储进行优化分布后,处理11个记录的最少时间…… 20. 假设磁盘块与缓冲区大小相同,每个盘块读入缓冲区的时间为100us,缓冲区送用户区的时间是60us,系统对每个磁盘块数据的处理时间为50us。若用户需要将大小为10个磁盘块的File1文件逐块从磁盘读入缓冲区,并送用户区进行处理,那么采用单缓冲需要花费的时间为(1)us;采用双缓冲需要花费的时间为(2)us。