1. The skyline used to belong to God. The spires and domes which punctured the horizons rose upwards in acknowledgment of a higher purpose. Then came the brick chimneys of indu…… 2. The region around this Belgian city is busily preparing to commemorate the 200th anniversary in 2015 of one of the major battles in European military history. But weaving a pat…… 3. Every February,across the country,candy,flowers,and gifts are exchanged between loved ones,all in the name of St. Valentine.1 But who is this mysterious saint and why do we cel…… 4. What is globalization and how does it affect higher education policy and academic institutions? The answer is deceivingly simple and the implications are surprisingly complex.1…… 5. During the past two decades, all of the industrialized nations have enacted some form of healthcare reform. America is no exception. Just a few years ago, the U. S. was consume…… 6. Europeans are as fascinated as the rest of the world by this year’s American presidential election. 1 Rather fewer are aware that this autumn the European Union will choose a p…… 7. President Bush is making a noble effort to1 pull together the fraying alliance, but the fact is Europeans and Americans no longer share a common view of the world. On the all-i…… 8. There are more than 90,000 livestock operations in Canada, which accounted for more than $17 billion in farm cash receipts in 2000 Despite the economic importance of livestock …… 9. No matter what mom said, it’s never just a game.2 Football is about ego, respect, national pride. South Korea, for one, has turned the sport into a quest for its very identity,…… 10. It is difficult to measure the human cost2 of the Great Depression. The material hardships were bad enough. Men and women lived in lean-tos made of scrap wood and metal, and fa…… 11. 与20世纪90年代资本流动激增的情况相比,当前私人资本流动的激增伴随着国内政策 和全球金融状况的大幅改善。在这一过程中,各国政府迄今都尽量避免出现总需求过度扩 张、经常项目巨额赤字和实际汇率大幅升值的情况。但是,管理资本流动的政策议程既广 泛,又复杂,依然存在重大挑战。 许多国家的资本管制和汇率限制错综复杂,在简化这些措施方面,已经取得了进展。…… 12. A number of writers have raised questions about the desirability of faster economic growth as an end in itself, at least in the wealthier industrialized countries.1 Yet faster …… 13. The ideas behind ecotourism are not new. Rooted in the conservation and environmental movements in the United States over the past 150 years — spurred by the writings of Thorea…… 14. Central America is home to many secret treasures for tourists who like to avoid the crowds,2 including numerous ancient Maya settlements.The seven countries of Central America …… 15. 本研究院成立于1968年2月20日。隶属中国航天科技集团公司。经过40年的发展,已成为中国主要的空间技术及产品研制基地,是中国空间事业最具实力的骨干力量。主要从事空间技术开发,航天器研制,空间领域对外技术交流和合作,航天技术应用等服务。还参与制定国家空间技术发展规划,研究有关探索、开发、利用外层空间的技术途径,承接用户需求的各类航天器和地面应用设备的…… 16. 远程教育属正规教育,它打破了传统的课堂教学模式。远程教育与传统教育相比有两大 区别,即远程教育具有灵活性和开放性 ,不受时空和学习进度的限制。 教师在一处授课,而学生在另一处学,打破了时空限制。有些学生由于工作、家庭或是 地理条件的限制等原因无法接受传统教育,而远程教育可以为他们提供受教育的机会。 学生 学习的地点可以是配有通信设备的校园、工作单位或…… 17.中日利益交汇点1何在? 不可否认,在21世纪中日两国战略利益是存在新的交汇点的。首先,共同对付非传统威胁2是中日战略利益的交汇点之一。随着冷战后国际形势的发 展,特别是“9*11”事件、非典疫情爆发以来3,对非传统安全问题的关注明显上升,共同 对付非传统威胁的战略需要必将成为连接21世纪中日关系的强韧纽带。 其次,在传统安全方面加强合作也是中日战…… 18.中国独立自主的和平外交政策1 中国坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,这一政策的基本目标是维护中国的独 立、主权和领土完整,为中国的改革开放和现代化建设创造一个良好的国际环境,维护世界 和平,促进共同发展。其主要内容包括:1.中国始终奉行独立自主的原则。对于一切国际事务,都从中国人民和世界人民的根本 利益出发,根据事情本身的是非曲直,决定自己的立场和…… 19.WTO圆了中国家庭的买车梦1 新年伊始,在中国加入WTO不久,中国制造的汽车——大部分是那些经济型,还有一 些中、高级车辆的价格大幅下降,规模前所未有,降幅达到6%至近20%。2价格下降的原因 是中国加入WTO后,将开放汽车市场。到2006年,进口汽车的关税将从80%-100%降至 25%;而进口汽车部件的关税将降至10%。3尽管这是一个渐进的过程,但…… 20. 在农业科技领域,中国不断缩小与发达国家的差距,科技进步对中国农业的贡献率已由 1949年的20%上升到现在的42% J农业科技部门在生物技术、高新技术、基础研究方面均 取得较大进展,植物细胞和组织培养、单倍体育种及其应用研究处于世界先进地位。2两系法品种间杂交水稻、杂交玉米育种以及多熟种植技术等方面,已达到或接近世界先进水平。大豆杂种优势利用研究也获……